
Prog rock to relax to

Following on yesterday's post, I had to link this terrific, 5-hour-long mix of "Relaxing Psychedelic Space Rock."

The title of the video promises relaxing space rock, and does not disappoint. There are links to all the sources of the music, too, if you want to add any of these tracks to your collection (I suddenly want all of them). Highly recommended, on this anxious election day of all days.

This, folks, it how to do it. A+


Hot take: 2020 has been a dreadful year, and will get worse before it gets better

It seems like a long, long time ago that I wrote my last "hot take" post for this blog.

OK, in fairness, it has been a while - my last post on this blog was back in May, and it's now November. That's six whole months, time in which I've spent all my time at home (yes, I'm lucky enough to be able to work from home), streaming video non-stop to such an extent that I'm now paying extra for my ISP's "unlimited bandwidth" option, because I was routinely going over my 1 TB data cap.

What I haven't been doing though, for the most part, is watching shows or movies. I've been watching the COVID-19 response, of course, as we all have, along with the slow descent of our neighbours to the south into outright, fascist dictatorship. We've got another long week coming up, too, as we wait to find out whether or not the American electorate still cares enough about democracy to vote for change (although the fact that several different states had already surpassed their total 2016 vote counts even before early voting had finished is easing my mind somewhat).

And, yes, I've been gaming, but it mostly hasn't been new games; it's mostly been Hearthstone, whose Battegrounds game mode has replaced Microsoft Solitaire as my most-played game. I'm still playing Path of Exile, too, but since I switched from Windows 7 to Pop!_OS, PoE just doesn't run nearly as well -- lots of performance and stability issues, including frequently crashing not only itself but Steam, that just make it difficult to develop any kind of flow.

So, what have I been watching? YouTube, for the most part.