
Kripparrian on Diablo IV

OK, it's yet another digression, but I just heard something interesting come out of the mouth of Octavian Morosan, a.k.a. Kripparrian, a.k.a. one of only two players (the other being his playing partner, Krippi) to kill Diablo at Inferno difficulty in hardcore mode in D3 before Blizzard rebalanced the difficulty modes in D3.

"Diablo 4 won't be able to go in the same direction as the other Diablo's before it, because Path of Exile took over... Diablo 4's going to have to be fundamentally different, which is, in my opinion, more of a reason that it's going to be... a mobile game."

I'm not sure that I agree that mobile is necessarily the future of the Diablo franchise, but I have to agree that something fundamentally different needs to be done if Blizzard want to revitalize the Diablo franchise, now that Path of Exile have taken over the ARPG space in a huge way. Exactly what they might be able to do differently... well, that's the intended topic of this entire blog, isn't it?

OK, OK, I know... enough stalling... I promise that Part 2 of the actual design discussion really is coming. I double pinkie-swear.

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