
No more Matrix: Keanu Reeves, James McTeigue both confirm that no more Matrix movies are planned after Resurrections...

 ... and I am not at all surprised.

As reported by NME.com:

Keanu Reeves has said there are no plans to make a sequel to The Matrix: Resurrections

In a new interview on the Empire podcast, Reeves – who reprises his role of Neo in the film – said he didn’t think director Lana Wachowski was interested in doing another Matrix movie. [...] Producer James McTeigue also confirmed there are no plans for any more Matrix movies.

“At the moment, it’s just the movie you’ve seen,” [McTeigue] told Collider. “We’ve got no prequel in mind. We’ve got no sequel in mind. We’ve got no further trilogy.”

This definitely feels like the right call. If I had to describe The Matrix: Resurrections with one word, that word would be "unnecessary." Hearing from the people involved that even they have no appetite for more Matrix movies is mildly heartening.

Whether Discovery/Warner are willing to let sleeping Matrices lie is, of course, another matter entirely, but poor box office performance (Resurrections took in just $22.5million in the US by Boxing Day) should serve to cool even their enthusiasm.

To whomever wants to fill the void with more Matrix franchise content, I offer only this word of advice: take some time to figure out what the conflict of the movie is actually going to be, because the perpetual-motion-machine nonsense simply isn't cutting it. By all means, delve deeper into the structure of the AI society, with its never-before-mentioned factions and internecine warfare, but figure out something else for them to be fighting over, other than the Matrix's energy output, because the Matrix can't have any energy output.

Also, please don't have the power of Neo and Trinity's non-existent romance be the thing which literally powers machine society, because that's just stupid. The power of love is supposed to be a metaphor that you feel, not something you measure with a multimeter. Just saying.

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