
My unexpected inner conflict...

Over the past few years, I've said a few different things about Blizzard generally, Blizzard's Diablo franchise, and Diablo IV in particular.

I've said that D4 appears to include several MMO-like "features" and D3-like design "features" that concern me, and would discourage me from buying the game. 

I've said that I can't see myself ever spending full retail price money on any game that also incorporates battle passes and other free-to-play monetization.

I've said that I'd never pre-order any game, and certainly not for the sole purpose of getting a beta access code.

I've said that I didn't plan to give money to Blizzard again for any product ever, and that D4 would have to be free for me to even consider trying it.



Well, shit.

I had uninstalled the Blizzard launcher. I wasn't planning to reinstall it anytime soon. I have no idea if my Steam Deck can even run Diablo IV. But it looks like I'm going to find out this week-end, because I'm just curious enough, and this free beta access offer is just generous enough, to give it a try. 

Every time I think I'm out, they pull me back in. Dammit.

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