
Diablo IV user reviews are finally in...

... and, as expected, actual gamers' opinions on the game are much more mixed than critics' were.

Some of those negative ratings are zeroes, of course, and some of those are clearly review-bombs from people who haven't played the game:

Joppsta360 posted this same "review" under PC, PS4, PS5, XboxOne, and XBox Series X|S. I have doubts about whether they bought or played any of those.

Others are much more measured, though, so I doubt that there's any sort of mass review-bombing in progress here. I think some people just didn't like the game very much, for many of the same reasons that it didn't blow my hair back,


Overall, I'd say that critics and users basically landed on the metascores that I thought they'd meet: 85 or so for critics, with a slightly lower user score. It will be interesting to see how Blizzard play this hand.

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